Promoting Health and Wellness Throughout the Life Span

What We Do

EMASS serves Iraqi, Chaldean, Filipino, African American, Somali and Latinx seniors (60 years and over) with outreach, engagement and education for prevention and early intervention of mental illness and mental health challenges. Our culturally specific Community Health Workers help at-risk seniors connect to social services and navigate the health care and welfare system. We provide education in chronic diseases, diabetes, pain management as well as mental health and wellness. Additionally, we provide socialization opportunities at both centers and community or apartment buildings where seniors gather on a weekly basis. EMASS is a place where seniors can feel welcome and appreciated, while receiving support from our caring and compassionate staff.

Who We Serve

EMASS serves Iraqi, Chaldean, Filipino, African American, Somali and Latinx seniors who are 60 years and over. Referrals are made by UPAC Community Health Workers. Interested seniors can call 760-233-1984 for more information.

Success Story

“Before I came here, I was working as a caregiver. My employers passed away and I was in mourning. I found in EMASS a family who loves me and welcomes me with open arms.”

* Names have been altered to protect client privacy.

Funded by the County of San Diego


Program Manager

Yndira Esquivel, MA

My name is Yndira Esquivel, MA. I have been working at UPAC since 2015 in various programs. I received my bachelor’s in psychology from SDSU and master’s in clinical psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy from Azusa Pacific University. I have always been passionate about the mental health field and have provided direct services to different age groups including children, adolescents, and older adults. I am passionate about providing the best services to our clients by using PEARLS, providing psychoeducation, equipping our clients with resources, and having the best staff.

3539 College Ave
San Diego, CA 92115
North County: (619) 481-2645
East County: (619) 481-2644



For informational purposes only, a link to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments web page is provided here. The federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act requires that detailed information about payment and other payments of value worth over ten dollars ($10) from manufacturers of drugs, medical devices, and biologics to physicians and teaching hospitals be made available to the public.

It can be found at